Friday, March 16, 2012

Bashir Assad's Father in Law in UK Emailed Advice on Fighting Criticism of Crackdown #syria

Syria Independence Flag Painted on Gov. School Wall in Homs
Syrian Independence Flag Painted on Walls in Homs

Whether or not the Syrians were manipulated into a disastrous rebellion or not, Assad Father-in-law's advice on the use of propaganda while he is living abroad is the most cynical example of the cult of the wealthy and powerful we may have seen lately

Emails from Bashir al-Assad's wife's dad show cynical manipulation of words from the Assad regime started right in the UK.

This will make you sick.
Report presents in mobile format. It might look funny to computer users, but is much quicker for mobile users.
See Report in : The Guardian: Assad emails: father-in-law gave advice from UK during crackdown