Saturday, February 4, 2012

San Onofre Nuclear Reactor Shut Down Due to Steam Leak

One of the two nuclear reactors at the San Onofre nuclear plant on the coast of Southern California has been shut down due to a radioactive steam leak though the facility manager says there was no danger to the community.

(No sniggering now little French children who got leukemia while living near a nuclear reactor.)

The plant's operators say high temperatures (105f) within the plant are preventing work to restore service despite expense of buying replacement power.  This being California, at least one person in the comment section finds it strange that people can't fix the problem at that temperature.

Two reasons come to mind.

a.You can't go into a reactor area in a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts.  Think protrection suits that look like space suits but have no temperature reduction systems in them.

b.You can't get help for this job from the parking lot outside Home Depot. You really want skilled help here, and with all their facilities in the best condition.

Clean, safe, too cheap to meter?  Funny how they meter it just fine.

See link for complete report: