Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rick Perry Doesn't Like the Constitution

Rick Perry is already planning major changes to the constitution to help it serve fat cats and corporations much better.

If course that means serving less well off Americans much worse.

Along with the changes to state constitution rights that will make it much harder for young people, working class families, and minorities to vote, Perry's presidency could set the way for a long period, possibly many decades before the majority really has a say in our nation again.

In the meantime, Republicans intend for the wealthy to control the nation completely leading to the use of the workforce as slavish suffering drones and soldiers to enrich those like the Koch brothers and other super wealthy. Make no mistake. The Iraq war shows how far they will go to allow young Americans to die so the GOP's sponsors can grab wealthy from other nations. Of course they won't be able to continue to do so with our voluntary army if the economy is anywhere but in the toilet so it's very convenient that our jobs market looks like crap.

But most honest experts agree that the next real war, especially an invasion will bring a draft. The Selective Service has already decided that the draft should be extended to age 35 and to include females. In addition, workers with skills that are lacking in the military, will be drafted from any age. We also know that war is being privatized. Do not expect the GOP to not expand that opportunity. So, what kinds of workers would a privatized military need. They'd need expensive ones for which they aren't willing to pay the going wage. And yes it's happened before that the military drafted everyday doctors with families and sent them to Korea. The selective Service has already singled out the medical field as on in which they believe they will need to draft people into the military.

Besides doctors, think computer programmers, systems analysts, etc. as jobs that a privatized military might feel are positions too expensive to hire at market rate. If the military is willing to draft doctors because they won't pay enough for them, the why, in the age of Blackwater/Xe. In fact if you have a good job at good pay, and a military contractor wants you, what rights do you have? As we have seen from earlier wars, maybe none at all.

So luckily a President Perry will have all those nasty constitutional rights that the rich and the right wing don't like done away with.

And the state GOP have been working on your ability to vote.

Because if the GOP can stop all your chances to get ahead and to climb up the ladder, then White America, can keep their lovely supremacy. Luckily the recession hit minorities harder than whites so just shutting down chances for minority advancement is all it will take.

So Perry wants the Supreme Court to be overruled by Congress which the GOP plans to control. He also wants an anti-abortion amendment to the Constitution so poorer people will become breeders for the military and big business.

He will stop food, housing, and educational aid for the poor by doing away income tax, which will keep minorities from advancing.

Racist whites have been waiting to get back to the good old days of keeping everyone else down. The GOP will cage their work as humanitarian, Christian, job creating, anything but what it really is, racist and classist as they snooker middle class whites into thinking they will come out on top, while the Party is selling them to the super rich and corporations.

See Rick Perry's wish list for changing the Constitution and our Government to install permanent racism and class warfare on our nation. And don't forget the wars that business plans so they can get cheap resources. Perry will make a straight path for our children to get jobs, military kill or be killed jobs. And we'll be stuck in a semi-democracy as hard to get our rights in as the minorities experienced before Civil Rights.

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