Friday, August 5, 2011

If The Jobs Report Isn't Good Don't Blame Obama

Friday another Summary of the US Employment Situation (Jobs Report) will be released, and if job growth doesn't look good most pundits are likely to blame the president.  Partly that's because the MSM tries to appeal to the kinds of wealthy financiers that can afford to purchase ads.  It's also just laziness.

After all, what did the GOP promise us they'd focus on if they got control of the House and state governments?


Yet, ever since the GOP got all this power the growth of employment actually slowed, and improvement in the unemployment rate stalled, and started to reverse.

In the meantime the GOP focused first on paying back their fat cat donors with massive personal and corporate tax cuts starting at the federal level by forcing an extension of the Bush taxcuts for the wealthy.

Taxcuts do not create jobs and,  in fact create disincentives for job creation since suddenly paying a person to work for you becomes relatively more expensive when personally withdrawn cash becomes cheaper.

Then the Republicans went after unions who protect jobs, but who also help working class and poor populations to vote.  Amazingly the GOP wants your children to be taught by nearly minimum wage workers like the charter school teacher who beat up a student last year.

The GOP also used other methods to hamper voting rights for poor and for young people, like requiring hard to get IDs, and making it much more difficult to register to vote.

Does that sound like any kind of jobs program?  It doesn't because it isn't.

A third tactic the GOP has become heavily invested in since taking control of 1/2 of 1 branch of federal government and various state offices, is trying to ensure that every "pregnancy" is carried to term. I put.  "pregnancy" in quotes because their definition of the status is changing accordi9ng to the GOP.

Now more and more Christian groups are pushing to have a fertilized but not implanted egg considered a human being. That would outlaw most forms of contraception, including "the pill"  and IUDs.  It fits in with fat cat dreams of an overgrown population ready to turn into slaves and soldier drones ready to be sent out to grab resources from third world nations.  Think Iraq where American oil companies with millions in contracts aid in oil extraction and shipping.   Just don't notice please how much the US citizenry (that 's you) and countless soldiers paid for that crude.

The Iraq war is set to cost us 4 trillion dollars and' Halliburtom and Exxon Mobil have no intention to pay us back.

Welcome to the Jobless non recovery. And thank Big Oil and their GOP buddies.  But don't blame Obama and the Dens.