Thursday, August 25, 2011

AP Reports That Younger Troops More Likely to Be Killed Than Older Ones

Yeah, y'all young whippersnappers go up there and grab that oil for us.
We'll be right down here waitin' for ya while we sip our cold beers.

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You can read the AP report at source. (Link below)

My comment is "Of Course!"

That is the whole purpose of war, to waste the life and health of younger people to grab cheap resources from other nations.

Why wouldn't we expect that the same "save yourself" attitude would find it's way into the armed forces themselves?

You can fill younger folks heads with notions of duty, courage, and honor, or at least shame of dishonor.

Young people have to believe in those qualities to transition from the attitudes of childhood to adult reason (or what serves as reason).

Still as old and powerful people and especially organizations with political power can maneuver a nation's young adults into war, it's easy to see that younger soldiers may be maneuvered into more dangerous positions.

Also, older soldiers might have moved up in rank, and I assume that adds some safety. In fact, that's probably used to spur younger soldiers into acts of bravery in order to gain higher rank.

Young people dying for the gain of older ones, though. Yeah that's war.

See AP's Report "In Iraq, youngest US troops bore the heaviest toll"