Thursday, September 1, 2011

WashingtonPost Agrees Paul Ryan Plan Reduces Medicare Support to c. 30% of Senior Needs

Glenn Kessler who used to follow Condie Rice around writing puff pieces writes that Joe Biden is wrong.
Kessler says that the Ryan plan does not end Medicare, only Medicare as we know it (you know, the one that saves your life without requiring you to sell everything you own in your most health-fragile years).

I can't see the supposed Pinnochio noses on my phone, bit they don't matter especially if assigned by Kessler who appears to be hedging his bets to make sure he can get a gig with News Corporation after the Murdoch clan drives every else out of business.

The fact is that Ryan's plan reduces Govt aid for Medicare to 30% from 70% is not to be sneezed at when you realize that the elder years are the times when the great illnesses are mostly fought.

And, as Ryan promotes his plan, his cronies in the GOP are promoting tax cuts for billionaires, and media folks like Glenn Kessler cover for them. But it's an easily understood quid pro quo if journalists aren't practicing methods once only found in undemocratic societies and the novel "1984", in other words "Double Speak".

Kessler also asserts that the Ryan plan won't hurt anyone currently over 55, but don't be mistaken the GOP want to kill off the Boomer generation and the following ones that kept the US from promoting eternal war until the Bush administration was able to generate enough fear after their failure to keep Americans safe on 911. After all we can't vote if we're dead.

So the Ryan plan is a great way to make the next generation jealous.  I know bloggers I admire who vow to vote for any plan and any candidate that promotes one that will take Medicare from those over 55 if seniors vote to take it from them.  Lack of empathy from the elderly will return the same against them. Count on it.

And apparently the only way to stop Ryan's Medicare take down and the other plans the GOP has is to vote Republicans out of office at every level.  I'm sorry to sound so partisan, but from the US House of Representatives to state governments Republicans have shown themselves to be ready to hand the nation to a wealthy oligarchic crew.  We could be the next India and we see how effective they are at anything, even fighting terrorism.  In the 2008 Mumbai attacks some of the first to be killed were top anti-terrorism officials.

 See WP: