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For years News Corps' papers in the US and their Fox News Channel have pushed an anti-Islam agenda that gave comfort to racists and encouraged the growth of the hatred of Muslims that now blooms in right wing politicians both within our own borders and which may even effect attitudes and actions in Europe.
I wonder how much they have even promoted European racists and haters both in their UK papers, in the Journal, and on Fox News.
We know they tend to stand behind racists in the US like Representative Steven King R-NY (not the novel writer, but the ugly slug who dances and hoots like a chimp about threats from Muslims).
Mr.Breivik, the Oslo bomber and Utoya Island killer, has praised Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands.
Has Mr. Wilders been promoted on Fox News or in any of News Corps or News International's scuzzy papers? I'm betting he has.
So thanks, News Corps for another shitty job of turning news into propaganda.
Now over 90 young people and others are dead so you can make money from the kind of fat cats that are willing to pay you for your promotion of a hard right and racist agenda.
The Murdoch family truly is scum.
The people in the Prime Minister's office and at the youth gathering that Breivik attacked were all associated with the Norwegian Labor party. But though the people attacked weren't Muslim, the man's anti Muslim behavior and his affection for the views of Geert Wilders shows he felt that the Labor party was not anti-Islamic enough. Therefore, it appears that his Islamophobia did inspire the man, and the my way or the highway attitude of the Murdochs' empire is sure to inspire violence, as it is often the way that people without millions of dollars in the bank force their will on the world.
Cross searching between Mr. Breivik and Geert Wilders did bring up a connection in Jeffrey Goldberg's article in The Atlantic More on the Alleged Norwegian Killer